Integrity Surveys

Telephone surveying is not a dead service from the past.

Integrity Communications

Telephone surveying is not a dead service from the past; it is very much alive and well-worth the effort. Picking up the phone and having a brief conversation with your customers can reveal much more than a skewed online or a digital survey.

Integrity Communications is also a voice-to-voice survey company that adds a charming touch to customer satisfaction surveys.

We will contact your clients by phone to conduct a customer satisfaction survey, allowing them to be heard by the businesses that they trust. Our interviewers have years of customer service experience and have been trained to politely probe in a friendly manner that uncovers the truth behind the answer. Our staff members are great listeners and they are mature, patient, courteous, and polite.

Integrity Surveys is a professional telephone survey company that knows and understands the importance of not annoying your customers with automated surveys. We keep things professional and uncomplicated by contacting your clients, customers, or members by phone, conducting an in-depth, voice-to-voice survey that consists of 5-10 questions. Our team has years of customer service experience and knows how to probe professionally and politely to obtain quality feedback that will benefit both you and your customers.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction surveys can explore the relationship between you and your customers in many ways, such as how well your staff communicates with your customers, your overall appearance as a company, and the value of your products and services.

The best data comes from surveys that target specific concerns, allowing your company to compare its success with others. This type of assessment allows your company to understand its customers, needs, and satisfaction levels, what your customers want right now, whether you are meeting their needs, and the areas that could use improvement. A well-designed survey can allow you to spring into action to correct and enhance your company’s overall performance.

Benefit from Customer Feedback

Integrity Surveys will design a survey to meet your business needs and identify the cause of dissatisfaction or satisfaction. We will give your company a clear understanding of what is necessary to increase customer experience quality. Our surveys usually consist of 5 to 10 questions on a scale of 1 to 5. We will allow all customers to elaborate on each answer as needed, revealing the cause of their satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

However, survey feedback is worthless if you do not resolve the issues of dissatisfied customers. You must create a plan of action for your company to benefit from customer feedback. Follow-up is the key. You must reach out to displeased customers as quickly as possible. It will send a loud and clear signal to your customers, letting them know that you genuinely value and appreciate their feedback. This will help you improve your business so that everyone can benefit.

We probe to find the cause of the issue, allowing your clients or customers to elaborate on why or how something became an issue.

A customer satisfaction survey can:

  • Increase customer loyalty

  • Allow you to immediately act on suggestions from your customers, clients, or members

  • Provide the feedback you need to take your business and or service to the next level

  • Allow you to see precisely the type of customers you should be doing business with (sometimes it’s good to recapture the once-loyal lost customer, and sometimes it’s wiser not to)

  • Generate new business through referrals from customers

Affordable Services

You should never be satisfied with just knowing that your customers, clients, or members are happy or dissatisfied­, your goal should always be to find out why.

Our services are affordable, with no overhead cost, because we have dedicated, professional, and independent contractors working from home conducting surveys.

Our company believes wholeheartedly in the do not call (DNC) list and will respect your clients, customers, or member’s wishes. After the initial call, if they do not want to be contacted again by Integrity Surveys, they will be placed on the DNC list, and we will not contact them again.

But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for [it is] He that giveth thee power to get wealth, that He may establish his covenant which He swore unto thy fathers, as [it is] this day.

– Deuteronomy 8:18 – (KJV)

Effectively communicating with you and your clients